Not sure if this will be a continuing feature on this blog or not, but who knows, there may be more, so this is "episode 0" (because we computer types really like our zero-based numbering).
Talk show hosts, political candidates, news programs, special interest groups...they all become successful by reducing debates to the level of shouted rage. Nothing gets solved, but we're all entertained.
--Bill Watterson, author of "Calvin and Hobbes," 26-Nov-1995
That indeed seems to be the business model of many talk shows, including Premiere Networks hosts, WBEN-AM hosts, and many others I know of. There are some that are much more focused on intrinsically apolitical topics, e.g. home improvement, car repair (miss you, "Car Talk" guys, but I understand everyone wants to retire, and listeng to your "Best of" will do for now; miss you, Tom Torbjornsen), financial/money/planning advice ("The Money Doctors," "Money Talk with Bob Brinker," "Jill on Money," etc.), computers and technology ("Sound Bytes," "Léo Laporte The Tech Guy," "Rich on Tech"), and so on. Certain others have a strange, interesting mix ("The Financial Guys," "The Home Repair Clinic with Jim Salmon").
I mean, there's little doubt that people to whom I used to listen, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, etc. thoroughly believe in most of what they say. But sometimes...sometimes my opinion is that they really don't genuinely believe in what they're saying, or believe in it only half-heartedly, and are doing it as schtick to try to gain or retain listeners. And on some occasions, all the host had in mind was to hammer their point, not to let their guest speak.
But after all, that is their mission: gain as many listeners as possible and retain them for as long as possible, not necessarily have a balanced discussion of any topic. The late, great Rush Limbaugh said as much during some of his shows. Don't get me wrong, it can still be worth the listen; I wouldn't want it curtailed. It's just that Bill was insightful.
English is a difficult enough language to interpret correctly when its rules are followed, let alone when the speaker or writer chooses not to follow those rules.
"Jeopardy!" replies and randomcaps really suck!