18 May, 2023

Montana: The U.S. Constitution Takes It on the Chin Again

The government of another U.S. State, Montana, has collectively lost their minds by banning the distribution of TikTok.  This seems awfully close to the Nazi book burning campaign.  You are in effect saying that the citizens of your State are far too dumb to handle their own lives in dealing with ByteDance.  So on Amendment I grounds alone, you are de facto making illegal the act of expressing myself on the TikTok service because I won't be able to obtain the app.  This most cerrtainly seems like making a law abridging the freedom of speech.  If you have concerns about government devices, that's fine, you own them, and ought to have absolute control over what they do.  But to extend that to everybody is insane.  It's like the gross overreach of "Brandon" insisting that one of the missions of OSHA is to get every employed person jabbed (I refuse to say/write "vaccinated").  It's fine that you insist federal employees and contractors be jabbed, but trying to extend that to virtually all citizens is ludicrous.

What's next because you don't think we can handle it, prohibiting the sales of Das KapitalMein Kampf?  Sticking your noses in ISPs who do business in your State and erecting the Great Firewall of Montana?

English is a difficult enough language to interpret correctly when its rules are followed, let alone when the speaker or writer chooses not to follow those rules.

"Jeopardy!" replies and randomcaps really suck!

17 May, 2023

The Recent Rise of Advocacy for a Vehicle AM Radio Regulation

I thought it was just "AM" talk radio hosts such as Clay & Buck trying to make their program sound more important...you know, entertainment and "content."  But during their very show recently, at least on WLVL, there was a sponsored political ad urging people to go to a URI and ultimately e-sign a pettition to demand action, presumably in the form of legislation or regulation, for vehicle manufacturers to include AM radios in their cars.  They even enlisted former US Vice President Mike Pence to help deliver the message.  To paraphrase, Mr. Pence talked about how AM stations are a part of your safety, as participants in the EAS. I think this is quite disingenuous, because that implies FM, or for that matter, any other broadcast station, such as TV, is not part of EAS, whereas by regulation each of them has to be.  I will grant them that MF propagation characteristics (AM broadcast band) are not going to be like VHF (FM broadcast band).  But that's partly why FM is typically allowed more power than AM, to cover more area.

Please give me a break.  Along the lines of terms like "Big Oil," "Big Pharma," etc., this isn't "Big Vehicle" conspiring to silence talk radio, which has its primary home on AM. Automotive electric motor controllers accomplish what they do by turning the current to the motor on and off very rapidly.  This is the very same effect you would have experienced with an AM receiver years ago with cheap incandescent light bulb dimmers (that is to say, cheap because they lack noise suppression circuitry).  It does the very same thing as the EV motor controller, it chops up the current so that the duty cycle is varied, thus ultimately controlling the temperature of the bulb's filament (or the motor's speed).  All those square waves produced are similar to the spark gap transmitters that were used it the very early days of radio, very wide band emissions.  Without specific noise suppression components in the dimmer, the power wiring acts as a transmitting antenna for this broadband noise.  Also keep in mind the scale; a lamp is going to be a few tens or hundreds of watts, whereas an EV motor is typically tens of kilowatts, an order of magnitude or more bigger.  Unless some fairly expensive components are added in the circuit for noise suppression, typically all you're going to hear on that AM radio is hash.  EV manufacturers do not want their customers complaining about how their radio doesn't work, all they hear is noise.

It's the same reason why many mobile SoCs (for phones/tablets) will have an FM radio but not AM; a computer is absolutely chock full of square wave signals, so FM is the only practical reception.

This is also not to mention, by implication, they're making it sound like it's going to be illegal or something to carry your own AM radio into your EV.  Yes, it's less convenient, but if you want to try it, there's really nothing holding you back from bringing your own receiver along for the ride.  You're likely going to be quite disappointed with the results, except maybe if you're within a couple of kilometers of a clear channel station.

I have confidence that the market will sort this out.  If people genuinely want their AM radio without having to carry a portable around with them, EV manufacturers will include an option.  It may be a few hundred dollars, considering the heavy duty chokes, capacitors, and shielding it will likely require, but if you want an AM radio badly enough, you can pay for it.

English is a difficult enough language to interpret correctly when its rules are followed, let alone when the speaker or writer chooses not to follow those rules.

"Jeopardy!" replies and randomcaps really suck!

Recent Survey Request From Google About Passkeys

Too bad Google's recent survey which I received was not open-ended, and was restricted to only the answers they thought of; that is, no place to opine in freeform text.  If they want adoption, they have a LOT of work to do.

  • They call it "passwordless", but if I have to enter a password (it's called a PIN, but same thing) in order to use my YubiKey, it's not passwordless.  I might as well just use a normal password login and touch my key for MFA, it's more convenient because my password manager fills it in automatically.  I don't know for sure at this point, but I'm going to guess this insistence on having a PIN was part of the FIDO standard for using a hardware key.
  • Offhand it doesn't seem infeasible to use a YubiKey for both MFA and passkeys.  They're used at totally different phases of authentication.  Yet you make that clear that there is a MFA section and a separate passkey section on the page, and put up an error if one tries to enroll a YubiKey already registered for MFA as a passkey.
  • Telling me to "hold my phone closer to my computer" is useless if you don't tell me why.  I could have opened the side panel and chucked it inside, not possible to get any closer, and it still wouldn't have helped.  You have to explain that it is to get a better Bluetooth connection, which was never going to happen because Bluez had not paired my phone at that point.  There comes a point where being nontechnical is highly counterproductive.  "Page cannot be displayed" is extremely unhelpful.  "Name not found in DNS," "DNS lookup failure," or "connection refused" are infinitely more helpful.  Similarly, mentioning Bluetooth on that screen on a phone is vastly more helpful than just asking me to hold it closer.
  • You listed all sorts of devices, from tablets, to iPhone, to iPad, to Mac desktop, to Chromebooks, but I had to choose "other" because it was a Linux desktop.  Seriously...does not your business rely heavily on Linux, but you can't be bothered to offer that as a possibility of using your Web products??
  • You confuse the issue by calling it passwordless login and passkeys in different places.  When I wanted to turn it off (more hassle than it's worth, honestly), I couldn't find it for several minutes because of the dual labelling.  It also wouldn't hurt to put this switch to disable it on the enrollment page, either instead of, or in addition to, where it is now.

English is a difficult enough language to interpret correctly when its rules are followed, let alone when the speaker or writer chooses not to follow those rules.

"Jeopardy!" replies and randomcaps really suck!

08 May, 2023

Wisdom From the Comic Pages - Ep0

Not sure if this will be a continuing feature on this blog or not, but who knows, there may be more, so this is "episode 0" (because we computer types really like our zero-based numbering).

Talk show hosts, political candidates, news programs, special interest groups...they all become successful by reducing debates to the level of shouted rage.  Nothing gets solved, but we're all entertained.

 --Bill Watterson, author of "Calvin and Hobbes," 26-Nov-1995 

That indeed seems to be the business model of many talk shows, including Premiere Networks hosts, WBEN-AM hosts, and many others I know of.  There are some that are much more focused on intrinsically apolitical topics, e.g. home improvement, car repair (miss you, "Car Talk" guys, but I understand everyone wants to retire, and listeng to your "Best of" will do for now; miss you, Tom Torbjornsen), financial/money/planning advice ("The Money Doctors," "Money Talk with Bob Brinker," "Jill on Money," etc.), computers and technology ("Sound Bytes," "Léo Laporte The Tech Guy," "Rich on Tech"), and so on.  Certain others have a strange, interesting mix ("The Financial Guys," "The Home Repair Clinic with Jim Salmon").

I mean, there's little doubt that people to whom I used to listen, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, etc. thoroughly believe in most of what they say.  But sometimes...sometimes my opinion is that they really don't genuinely believe in what they're saying, or believe in it only half-heartedly, and are doing it as schtick to try to gain or retain listeners.  And on some occasions, all the host had in mind was to hammer their point, not to let their guest speak.

But after all, that is their mission: gain as many listeners as possible and retain them for as long as possible, not necessarily have a balanced discussion of any topic.  The late, great Rush Limbaugh said as much during some of his shows.  Don't get me wrong, it can still be worth the listen; I wouldn't want it curtailed.  It's just that Bill was insightful.

English is a difficult enough language to interpret correctly when its rules are followed, let alone when the speaker or writer chooses not to follow those rules.

"Jeopardy!" replies and randomcaps really suck!